Bless the Lord, all ye who seek Him

Bless the Lord, all ye who seek Him

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.  ~  Nine times cheated of my life savings.  One said that if I paid I would receive more income.  Another said that if I invested I would be able to pay rent and all the monies owed to...

Patience and Love May 12, 2024 first published in Dec 2023

Patience and Love come from God.  He allows his graces to pour upon you during the Christmas season and the epiphany. How dare you take this for granted!  With patience and love, mercy falls upon you as you attend the sacrament of reconciliation this week TONIGHT...

Hello readers!

Hello! Good morning, readers! I have a subscribe button in the comments section. You will receive an email to confirm and be able to contact me by email. After you comment, click on the check box. Hello readers! I have created another blogging area/website for my side...

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