What is peace?

by | Mar 13, 2021 | (Helpful) Stories, Uncategorized | 1 comment

My husband said to me, “Find the peace in yourself.”  I was feeling down with my illness that evening and really needed to define what he meant by PEACE, for me.

This may be the same for you who suffers from mental illness, anxiety or depression.  When I am feeling down, my husband tries to talk to me.  Subsequently, I cannot understand anything he is saying because all words bore no meaning in my head.  With no meaning in my head, I could not feel what he was trying to convey to me – find the peace in yourself.  My innermost being cried out, “HOW?”. Because my mind did not stir to images of the word (PEACE); my body had no stimulation to the word (PEACE); my soul seemed lifeless; and, my spirit was lost,  I silently cried out to Jesus.  Then He came to me.

PEACE is when I listen to the green birds sing in the morning while walking up the street.  They seem to be talking and saying good morning to the whole world.  

PEACE is when I look outside my window and see the glistening of the tree’s leaves under the sunlight.

PEACE is when I am eating lunch with my family sharing silence or small talk about the day.

PEACE is when I am thankful that my family eat when we may not like it.  When I am thankful, the food seems to be the most delectable food I have ever tasted.

PEACE is when the two hawks are gliding in and out of the white clouds like angels playing.

PEACE is the good feeling, while a friend prays over me.

PEACE is when the dark night of the soul passes and I begin the day in pursuit of God.

PEACE is when I make popcorn for my daughter.

PEACE is when I talk and listen to a friend or family.

PEACE is when my family tries to make me laugh.

PEACE is enjoying the simple things in life.

I have defined my PEACE.  May you find peace for you?

1 Comment

  1. Irene

    Such beautiful “pictures” of peace! And love the photo of you among the blossoms!


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