Unsure about love

by | Oct 30, 2024 | (Helpful) Stories, Reflection, Testimonies, Uncategorized | 0 comments

I have moved into a phase in my life where I want to write about love but am unsure. However, I am sure ‘love’ is a motivation to act on things.  As the saying goes, “Do what you love to do!”

I love lifelong learning.  Therefore, I am self-motivated to spend a lot of time reading books and contemplating on them.  This motivation does not stop there because there are particular books I enjoy reading and then I contemplate on their subjects.  These contemplations led me to touch upon topics of theology, psychology, epistemology, etc.  In the end, though, all these lead me to the final cause (the purpose of all this starting from love), God.

Let me explain.  Right now it would seem that I know everything I am about to write, however, because human reasoning is limited, there is something I am not able to think of, to explain with clarity.  With all the knowledge of science, God is truly known to be beyond human understanding.  Therefore, I am led to believe that love motivates me towards God.

To hate is also a motivation to act on things.  I do not know a general saying the opposite of love but definitely hate is an antecedent to bad things going to happen.

Hate is a strong feeling word.  And, sad to say, I have used this on my husband.  This motivated me to distance myself from him which naturally drew me to another man.  This is a bad thing.  It is odd, however, that my conscience kicked in and brought me to reconcile with my husband.  As a result, ‘love’ trickled in in multiplicity.

God’s grace sprinkled over our relationship.  I guess that is what I have to write about love today.


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