Faith, love, hope, empathy, faithfulness
Words like these have begun to skim over my peripheral view.
They have been repeated so many times that they begin to diminish in importance.
On the surface, this may be true and an indication that I am going awry.
Deep inside, I decided and wanted to ponder such words because they are of significant importance.
To ponder is to deeply contemplate what the meaning of the word has meant to me in my life or what it means for me in my life now.
Let us say for example the word FAITH. This word has become very personal to me. It formed the very existence and purpose of my life. Without FAITH, I would be dead, to put it bluntly – a spiritual death resulting in the damnation of a level of no return, without grace. Perhaps this word means something different to you, reader. I am hoping it means more than less to you. Whatever happens, please do not skim over this word.
Contemplating the word LOVE is to understand the passion from my heart to help people. In reality, I first skimmed over love, because of the harsh realities of life and I seized to love myself and God’s gift of love to me. But now that I ponder on it, it is through love that one can only find oneself because God is love.
Contemplating the words EMPATHY and FAITHFULNESS are to understand that these nouns bring beauty into the elderly, adults, and children – simply everyone. In the harsh reality of the world, these words can be skipped over as I had once done because of the overwhelming evil in this world. But my mentor counseled me in a way to remain a beacon of light and a witness to God’s presence in the light of the situation. Blessed Marie-Eugène of the Child Jesus said, “You are not in the world to see evil, nor to be aware of its enormity, not even, properly speaking, to fight against it and to vanquish it. You are in the world to render witness to God, to render witness to His existence and to His Strength, and thus, to become God’s JOY, a light for those who want to remain faithful.” Therefore, now I ponder on empathy and faithfulness to bring out beauty in others.