With the spread of the coronavirus, I feel the need to say something here – empowered by the Public Health Department to be an ambassador of this community to share accurate news the best way I can. I hope you can share this with the mentally ill, depressed and those suffering anxiety in the community particularly those who are not on social media.
Here are the basics:
- Social distancing to stay at least 6ft from others not in your household
- If others do not follow the rule, be the first to move away from them (with as little judgement as possible)
- Wash your hands frequently
- Be consistent especially when you do not think you need to be
- Stay away from crowds
- When your husband or wife needs to be out of the house and meet up with friends, repeat to them that they are risking the safety of other members of the household. If they still do not listen, pray for them and your family but refrain from being angry or upset.
- If your husband or wife is an essential worker, they have no choice. Be supportive and believe in them and pray.
- If your husband or wife has to choose between safety or feeding the family or paying the rent, call 211 and talk to them. They may have services available to provide food for the family or updated information on rent relief.
- During quarantine
- If you tested positive and have to quarantine, if you are able or asymptomatic, encourage your neighbors and community to follow the points above. Your message is important.
- Ask the church or others to pray for your recovery
Most of all, cope with this pandemic in a healthy way.