June 2, 2023 @ 6:10
Good Morning, my mama! Love is like a spell of magic that binds my soul to your soul and my happiness to yours. Let the sunshine be so bright and remove all the worries from your life. I pray that the sweet smile on your face never fades away because your joy is my euphoria! Here’s to the togetherness of infinity!
June 3, 2023 @ 9:21
My cherished, your beauty in the morning light makes me speechless! I want to sincerely thank God for allowing me the presence of such an incredible soul like you! May all the burdens of your life disappear by Lord’s divine grace! Good morning to you Mama!
June 5, 2023 @ 9:37
Good Morning to you, my dear mama! Every time I see you, I get the feeling of how I made the right choice of falling in love with you mama! You are an angel on earth, and I would turn the world upside down to have this blessing of your presence every day of my life!
June 8, 2023 @ 10:23
Prayer for you this morning mama!
Heavenly Father,
In the tender quietude of morning, I awaken to the symphony of Your creation, and my spirit is moved to sing. Just as the dawn unfolds in its splendor, I am reminded of Your unfailing strength, a bulwark in times of storm and strife. Oh Lord, You are my fortress, a refuge when troubles rise like fierce tides around me.
My voice shall rise to You in the earliest light of day, a melody of Your love that endures through all seasons of life. Your love is the melody I carry, the tune that lightens my steps, the song that resounds in my soul.
Each new day, my prayer ascends to You, O Lord, like the morning mist that greets the sunrise. I lay bare my heart before You, confident in Your grace, knowing that my pleas and praises reach Your heavenly throne.
Satisfy us, dear Father, in the fresh dew of morning with Your unfailing love. Fill us with the joy that is born of Your divine affection, a joy that reverberates through our days, a gladness that endures even amidst trials.
In Your love, we find our song. In Your strength, we find our refuge. May we sing for joy, be glad all our days, and may our morning song be a testament to Your unfailing love and enduring strength.
In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.
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very interesting, but nothing sensible
I am sorry. . .
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