Where I find myself away from prayer time and time with God, sin abides in me.
Not unlike David in his youth, I was upright and loved the Lord. Then, life drew me away from prayer time and time with God. There began my sin, where the prophet like the prophet Nathan to David, came as my priest, to view my sins as a layer of traps.
Although I was married, I would accept the advances of other men. Although these men were not bad or sinful, my loyalty to my husband was questioned. Although my sins were forgiven by God through the sacrament of reconciliation, I pursued an unhealthy desire to think of these men to possibly replace my spousal relationship. This was exacerbated by the thoughts of women in the same position as me viz having difficult spousal relationships.
I sought marriage counseling and returned to prayer and time with God.
A good, righteous, and peaceful marriage is undermined by the lack of prayer time or time spent with God.
If you have gotten this far, I suggest you pray now.