A place of peace

by | Jan 30, 2022 | Good Thoughts, Letters to You, Reflection, Uncategorized | 0 comments

Good morning!  

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day.

That . . . I woke up this morning listening to a minute of the Rosary on Facebook.  Then, I had the grace fall upon me again that I can make breakfast with the perfect coffee for my husband.  Then, I was given the grace to tell my daughter that she had two hours before she had to get out of bed.

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day.

That . . . I am healthy and able to go to the Ordination Mass of Deacon Brother Joseph Mary at 10 a.m. today.  I am given the grace, while in Mass, to be able to pray for those in need of healing from mental illness, depression, and anxiety.  I am given the grace and honor to bring my daughter along with me.

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day.

That . . . my daughter is graced to celebrate at a birthday party for her classmate for  3 ½ hours today.  I am given the grace to take some photos of a very joyous time . . . to make joyful memories.

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day.

That . . . I am graced to be able to attend my bible study group for 2 hours and then attend the sacrament of reconciliation for another 1 ½ hours.

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day.

That . . . my daughter is graced to be able to bake macarons for the bake sale on Sunday at the Open House event of her school.


Though you have given me a very busy day, Lord, I thank you for everything You have put in my day.  Though many things may go wrong today, I choose to celebrate today with good thoughts.  Readers suffering from mental illness, depression, and anxiety, I urge you to begin your day, thanks be to God that you pray for me today.


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