I woke up at 3:33 in the morning.
I was alone and yet I was told He was there.
It was dark outside and there was but one bird chirping.
I spoke to Mother, Father and the Holy Spirit.
He was not there and yet I was told He was there.
The sky began to lighten.
I could see the sunrise and could hear the birds chiming in the morning.
He was not there and yet I was told He was there.
There was not much work today, so I sat in the bed looking up at the ceiling, alone.
My mind was idle. My thoughts were lukewarm. My skin was just there.
Then, I asked myself,
“How could I have woken up . . . there be a bird singing. . .
The change in the light of the sky . . . there be, a sunrise . . .
More birds singing . . . my mind relaxed . . . my thoughts, pleasant . . .
My skin, glistening . . .?
All things created . . .He must have been there . . . like I was told He was there.